Program Settings >

Startup Files


Startup Files


These options allow to define what macro files are automatically loaded when the Macro Toolworks starts.

Load the last open files 
If this option is checked then the files that were open before the program was shutdown or Windows were shutdown are open.

Load the specified files
If this option is checked then it is possible to specify the files that will be automatically open when the program is started. "Add" button allows to add a new macro file. If it is needed to specify a path relative to the default macro file location ("C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\MacroToolworksFiles\MacroFiles" - see more here) then after a macro file is added using "Add" button hold mouse down on the newly added record (or use F2 key) and then edit the record appropriately (for example, change the record to "CorporateMacros\letterTemplates.4tw" in order to have open macro file "C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\MacroToolworksFiles\MacroFiles\CorporateMacros\letterTemplates.4tw".
The macro files are open in the same order as defined in the list. Use "Up", "Down" buttons to change order of the macro files if needed.