Commands & Syntax > Commands > File Mainpulation >


Parse Path - < file_path_parse >() ... [Pro]


File Parse Path
<file_path_parse>("File path",Variable for Drive or Server,Variable for Folder,Variable for Name,Variable for Extension)
Available in: Professional edition

This command parses (full qualified) file path to these parts: drive or network server, folder, file name, and file extension.



Parameter name

Parameter description


File path

File path to be parsed. For example: c:\my folder\sub1\sub2\results.doc


Variable for Drive or Server

Variable that receives drive or network server address part of the file path. For example: c


Variable for Folder

Variable that receives folder part of the file path. For example: my folder\sub1\sub2


Variable for Name

Variable that receives file name part of the file path. For example: results


Variable for Extension

Variable that receives extension part of the file path. For example: doc


Example (Macro Steps):



<#> <#>This macro breaks 'c:\program files\any program\application.exe' file path to parts


Macro execution: ONLY COMMANDS


File Parse Path File path = "c:\program files\any program\application.exe", Variable for Drive or Server = "vDrive", Variable for Folder = "vFolder", Variable for Name = "vName", Variable for Extension = "vExt"


Message SHOW "Information" : "Drive: %vDrive% Folder: %vFolder% File: %vName% Extension: %vExt%" (other parameters: x = -100, y = -100, Window title = , Buttons = OK, Timeout (seconds) = 0, Always on top = No).

Example (Plain Text):


<#>This macro breaks 'c:\program files\any program\application.exe' file path to parts


<file_path_parse>("c:\program files\any program\application.exe",vDrive,vFolder,vName,vExt)

<msg>(-100,-100,"Drive: %vDrive%

Folder: %vFolder%

File: %vName%

Extension: %vExt%","",1,0,0,0)